+1 - 786 - 5ITEANS

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Finance & Insurance

Finance & Insurance is one of the most successful consultancies in the field of credit management. Our worldwide knowledge of industries and trade enables us to supply you with tailormade solutions, local as well as international. Besides credit insurance, the insurance of political risks, factoring and information reports, Finance & Insurance offers a wide range of products varying from debt collection and advice to guarantees.

Finance & Insurance provides services to all branches of industry. From fruit and vegetable exporting companies, meat exporting companies, IT companies to the construction business. From local companies to multinationals.

Finance & Insurance operates progessive, finds integrity of the utmost importance and is transparent.

Finance & Insurance is member of ICBA (International Credit Brokers Alliance). This extensive network enables us to offer you service all over the world.

        Credit Insurance comes into play when you as a supplier, have granted a suppliers credit to a customer. In our country a lot of of the trade goes by without any credit, for instance when retailers sell goods or services to consumer in cash. However, when you have supplied complete and correct services or goods to your customer, you could be worried about the provided credit. These concerns about your supplier credit can be passed on to your insurer.
  •         => The type of the insurance (when and where does the liability of the insurer start);
  •         => The turnover volume that is offered for insurance; the diversification of the risk i.e. the number of debtors and their geographical distribution;
  •         => The agreed delivery term and the terms of payment;
  •         => The average exceeding of the credit period agreed on;
  •         => The financial standing and morality of the debtors;
  •         => The line of business of both the insured party and the debtors;
  •         => The degree of (previous) experience of the insured party with the debtors (loss statistics);
  •         => The countries where the debtors are established;
  •         => The nature of the goods at issue;
  •         => The percentage of coverage in the policy

        Before you make the final delivery to your customers you run the suppliers risk. You have already purchased materials for your customer, have started to manufacture and you may already have done most of the work. With all associated costs. This is the manufacturing or risk period mentioned. You can insure against the costs you incur in the period between order acceptance and delivery or completion of service. In the event of a problem, you will consult with the insurance company on a strategy to minimize the damage.